Wednesday, October 28, 2015

When You Want to Give Your Spouse Something You Can't

That moment....your team, the Kansas City Royals that is....makes it to the World Series!  The excitement is unreal!
Let me start by saying that we've been Royals fans, even when they weren't good! We've spent money to see our team play, and lose miserably.  We've spent money to cheer them on and root for them anyway!
But then there's this.... they've made it to the World Series the last 2 years!  I somehow feel so worthless, because I can't even afford 1 ticket.  I can't send my husband to watch his team! Our team! It's so sad to me!
It makes me question my career choices, my spending habits, everything I do.  How can do many people afford these tickets, but I can't even get it together and afford 1 ticket?
#foreverRoyal #takethecrown #trueblue

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Essential Oils

I know I've already written about essential oils, but I just can't help but share my love for them!  It's not only me that uses them...but Richie and Ali too!  Seriously!  They each have their own routine! It makes me so happy!

Remember, when I write about essential oils, I am ONLY writing about Young Living essential oils!  They are a pure therapeutic grade oil, that is derived from plants.  They are strictly tested, as well as the seeds, soil, plants, etc!  It is a long process and it makes it all worth it, to know that the essential oil I am using is of the very best quality!  I know there were no pesticides used on or around the plant it came from.  I know that it was tested after distillation, and that it met all standards!  Go HERE to see more info on Young Living's Seed to Seal promise!

Have you ever wondered about getting started with essential oils?  I would love to answer any questions you have, and help you get started!  You can either message me here on my blog, contact me on facebook, or call/text me if you have my cell number.  ;)

If you are interested in just diving in, to improve your health and can go HERE to get your Premium Starter Kit.  When you sign up and order your Premium Starter Kit, I will send you some goodies to help get your started on your health and wellness journey!!

If you are interested in making some extra money, I will share with you how to do that as well!  :)

By the way, if you didn't already family LOVES our essential oils!  My favorite is the Cool Azul Sports Cream...and a close second is Tranquil Roll-On.  Ali loves Lavender!

Friday, July 17, 2015


I haven't written in awhile...but I have great news to share!  Ali, while she has always been mine, has been adopted by Richie!

Richie has been in Ali's life for 7 years (she was only 6 when he came to us).  Over her half her life!  He's been providing for her for over half her life!  Giving her love, compassion, and attention...for over half her life!

The sperm donor (this is what I've decided to call him, because he has no idea on how great of a kid he missed out on)....well he was in the picture for about 2 years.  Then it got less and less.  I bet I could count on 2 hands how many times he's seen her in the last 7 years!  No joke!

Anyhow, Richie has always been daddy!  He's shown Ali a father's love, treated her like his little girl, and been there for her through all her ups and downs.

This year, after being told "Don't text me anymore" about needs for his child...we filed the adoption.  I couldn't take the frustration that came along with dealing with him!  Why can he not step up to the plate and care for his daughter??  

After consulting an attorney...we paid the retainer and filed the paperwork.  We were told to expect 6 months, even if he sent the papers back consenting to the adoption.  Low and behold...he sent them back in record time!!  Sad that he could just sign her away!!  

The best part...after Ali met with her attorney (the guardian ad litem, required for a minor child), the attorney's got a court date scheduled!  

We went to court on July 6, just 2 short months after filing for the adoption!  Richie and I both had to "testify" that we knew what we were doing, could support her (like we hadn't been already?  ha!), and that if we split up he would be entitled to custody rights and paying child support.  Fifteen (yes 15) short minutes later, we were out of the court room with Ali legally belonging to Richie and I!!!!  

Adoption day!!  
Richie FRAZIER: Est. 9/10/1980
Ali FRAZIER: Est. 7/6/2015
Jennifer FRAZIER: Est. 6/5/10

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Our Failing Education System

When did athletics become more important than academics? This has been bothering me for some time now.  I get that athletics are important to some, heck my daughter loves her sports!  But our tax dollars are to fund schools, to teach kids! Math. Science. English. History. Art. Music. And, yes athletics.  But why is it acceptable to get rid of an excellent teacher to hire a coach?

Someone near and dear to my family has been replaced, because the school needed a coach! Would they ever admit to that? NO! But it's quite apparent! A certified English teacher, replaced with a pe teacher, to teach English! Tell me he wasn't hired to coach!

It's frustrating! I'm not saying he isn't a good teacher, or won't be great with the kids..... but I just don't see how they could justify this happening!

The replaced had never been written up, reprimanded, or had any negative interactions! She just wasn't a "good fit"!  It's a joke!  The students loved her! My daughter has actually been enjoying reading!

I definitely don't miss the politics of the school! The only thing I really miss at this point.... summer vacation!! 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Living Through a Renovation

Nice, new, and functional!  That is the dream I had when we decided on a renovation!  Ali moved to a new bedroom over a year ago.  We had the big dream of converting her old (large) bedroom into an office and new bathroom for Ali.  We started this project months (I'm talking 6-7-8 months) ago!!!  I don't even remember, that's how long it's been!

We gutted the new office completely to the studs, added new insulation, new sheet rock, got rid of the loose, un-capped, LIVE wires in the walls, and added all new electric as well!  I mean, who does that?  Who in the hell leaves an un-capped live wire, loose in a wall?!?!?  We found it because we decided to put in new sheet rock and get rid of the textured walls in there.  Thankfully in the 6 years we've lived here, our house didn't burn down!  

 You can tell that they just took out and switch and stuffed the wire back in the wall!  No common sense!

Anyhow...we got all the "in the wall" stuff done: electric and insulation!  Then we got all new sheet rock up and mudded.  The hubs has been working on leveling the ceiling, because we decided to get rid of the popcorn while we were at it!  SO....this is where we are at a stand still!

Life got in the way!  Ali had competition cheer season and now we're in the midst of softball season.  Richie jumped in for an injured track coach and finished out the season for her.  School is ending for Richie, so that means getting all his grading done, and getting his room ready for summer.  So, we have an office, that needs finished!  

I will share a bit of the madness I've been living in!  It's crazy, SCARY, and downright frustrating!!  The hubs has promised to work hard this summer, when he's not at college!  Oh yes...he's been working on his Master's in the midst of all of this too!  He's got a 4.0 GPA and has just 2 semesters until he graduates!  

I did get my cabinets for my office ordered last weekend!!!  Though they may take up to 4 weeks to arrive. Now, I have to find countertop, and make a trip to Ikea and get my Kallax shelving.  But first....I have to prime and paint, as soon as the ceiling and finish sanding are done!  

I promise we aren't hoarders!!!  This is stuff from Ali's room (that still needs 'finishing' touches), stuff from my office, PLUS many things that will be sold/given away when we get this put together!  

If I seem stressed, mad, or just lost....please understand that I have an excuse!  I cannot wait until this project is done, and I have my house back!!!  We haven't been able to eat at our dining table for months!  

I promise I will share pictures when it's done!!  Or mostly done anyway!  Because I only ordered lower cabinets....until we can afford the uppers!  I'm going to make this office fabulous!  :)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Run Like a Diva

I'm going to follow up my mad, sad, frustrated post, with a happy post!!  

Ali loves doing 5K's!  Last year she did quite a few of them.  This year, we've only managed to get her signed up for 1 so far, but she was awesome!!!

Yesterday she participated in the Diva's 5K in Branson.  Ali did this same race last year, and she had fun!  Plus, it's always fun to get away to Branson! ;)  Last year, my mom had said she wanted to join Ali for a fun, girly we signed her and Ali up together!  

 Here's their before pictures!  Aren't they cute? 
By the way....I think that's my mom's first ever duck face!  ha!

They had planned to walk the 5K together!  They  went down and when they race started, they "jogged" together.  Ali noticed that my mom was falling behind her, so she turned and was going to stop and wait for her to catch up, so they could walk.  When Ali turned to my mom, Mom told her not to wait.  She didn't want to hold her back.  So my darling Ali, who has NEVER ran much, decided she was going to run the entire 5K!  I was like....what!!  

Anyway...we got down to the finish line, thinking we had plenty of time to watch for them to come in, only to turn to the right, and Ali had already finished!  She ran the 3.2 miles in 39 minutes and 15 seconds!  I was so proud of my girl!!!!  

It was time to watch for mom then!!  My mom had never done a 5K!  So...I was excited to watch for her!

Here's both of them after they had finished.

Here's my momma getting her medal and the fireman hunk that gave it to her!  


Be Yourself!!!

As you well know...I have a teenager!  I don't possibly think I am old enough to be a parent of a teenager, but I am.  Teenagers are vicious creatures!  They are usually the meanest to each other.  What really gets me....when an adult is the culprit of evil!
My daughter wanted her hair cut.  She wanted a trendy style, that she'd seen on tv, the internet, and on others.  So...I thought, it's just hair, I don't care.  It will always grow back.  Last night when we got home from our weekend getaway...I shaved the side of her head.  She's a sassy little teen girl, so it fits her personality well!  It looks super cute on her too!

Now...I tell my mom, that I cut her hair, and tell her how...she flips out.  She has preceded to make Ali feel bad/sad for wanting her hair like that!  Why would you make a child feel bad for wanting a certain hair style?  You don't have to do it to your hair, you don't even have to like it, but don't try to make her feel bad for doing it...  Of course, she yelled at me and told me I shouldn't have done that, or even let her.  URGH!!!!  

This is right after I finished.  She clearly loves it....look at that smile on her face!  

She is always so excited that I let her be herself!

I think that letting her be herself...just helps her express herself!  She doesn't care what people think (except her parents and grandparents obviously)!  So now, she's feeling bad for her choice....

Here's a shot with the hair down!  

I told you she had sas!  ;) 

I love this girl so much!!  
So...any thoughts or opinions??  Am I just crazy for letting her be herself?  

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Essential Oil LOVE!!

I'm sure that you have heard someone around you talk about using Essential Oils....right?  I was first introduced to oils by my sister.  She started using them to help her autistic son.  I got interested, so I started doing my research.  I was curious about where the oils came from, why they work, and what could they do for me...  

Firstly, I was SOLD on the fact the Young Living owns their own farms!  They know where their product is EVERY SINGLE STEP of the way!!  For more information, please check out their website here:  After seeing this promise from Young Living, I didn't want to buy just any oil!  Actually, I did some more research, and I found that many oil companies just purchase oil and re-bottle or re-label it.  No joke!  They don't even know where the oil came from!  

Secondly, I LOVE that by becoming a wholesale member, I get a 24% discount ALWAYS!  I don't have to make sales, and I'm not required to purchase a set amount monthly!  I also don't have to wait on a commission check when I place my own order.  It is at my discount!  

Thirdly, I got to purchase the Premium Starter Kit for $150.  This is a STEAL!  Why you ask....let me show you!!

You get a home diffuser, 10+1 bottles of essential oil, and other samples!  This is a $289.17 RETAIL  VALUE!  You are saving nearly 50%!  
The bottles of oil you receive are all 5 ml.  These are not just a drop or 2 to sample!  These are full bottles.  You do get a few sample packets to share your love of oils with others!

If you are interested, please read the following.  

How to Order your Young Living Premium Starter Kit
Before beginning the sign-up process, please read these helpful tips:
-Do not use your phone! It won’t work!
-If you use a tablet, you must be in Google Chrome. Safari won’t work.
-Once you begin the sign-up process, you must complete it uninterrupted. It will take approximately 10-15 minutes.
Here is how to order:
1. Go to this website:
2. Enter your country and your language.
3. Choose “wholesale member” to receive a 24% discount on all Young Living products. Please note, there is no requirement to sell a product and no minimum amount to buy each month. (This is similar to joining Sam’s or Costco. You join the club in order to receive the discount.)
4. Enter the member number of the person that told you about Young Living in both the Sponsor ID (2571632) and the Enroller ID (2571632) fields. If you aren’t sure of their number, please ask them. These numbers are what connect you to our oily family and how you will access your oily help and resources.
5. Enter your personal information.
6. Agree to the Terms & Conditions by checking the box.
7. Choose your preferred language.
8. Optional: enter an email address-great for monthly promos and specials
9. Create a username, password, and pin number. Please write this information down! You will need it when you decide to order more oils and/or products.
10. Pick your Premium Starter Kit. Most people choose the first option in the upper left-hand corner: the Premium Starter Kit for $150. This kit contains the Home Diffuser and the 11 Everyday Essential Oils.
11. OPTIONAL: Enroll in Essential Rewards. Most people choose to wait on this option. Please scroll down to the place where it says, “No, thank you.” If you are interested in this, feel free to contact me for more information!
12. Enter your credit card information.
13. Click next.
14. Confirm your shipping address.
15. Check all of your account information. Click “create account.”
16. You are now in your Young Living virtual office. At the top of your screen, you should see your name and your member number next to that. Please write that number down.
17. Optional: If you would like to add more product to your order, you may do it on this page. Click “continue shopping” and search for the items you want to add.
18. Once your cart is full, please click “Complete Checkout.”
19. They will ask you for your shipping address and your method of shipping.
20. Many times they will ask you for your credit card information again.
21. Review your order. If you are satisfied with what you see, please click “confirm order.”
22. When you order is complete, you will see a screen that says, “Thank you for your order.” 

Stay tuned for more info on my favorite oils!!  Have an oily day!  :)