Thursday, February 15, 2018


My heart is broken!  Those poor children and adults who had their life ripped away from them!  I can't imagine the pain their parents and grandparents feel. 

When is it going to happen here?  Yes, I said it!  When?  Will my daughter be a victim?  It's just a waiting game.... it's not what if anymore.  It's when! 

Why do I say this?  Well, because all anyone wants to do is "offer prayers" and debate the mental health issue!

I'm an atheist.  I don't believe in prayer.  You are entitled to believe as you's just not my thing.  I ask you, what are all these "prayers" actually doing???  Have they helped anyone or helped our nation find a way to end all the violence?

Then there's the debate....  UGH!  It's a mental health issue is all anyone will say.  I don't disagree that we have a mental health crisis.  But there's more to it!  Maybe by at least trying to restrict guns to mentally ill people might help some!  If you've been investigated by the FBI for possible violence or are on a watch probably shouldn't be able to just go buy a gun.  WHAT.A.CONCEPT!  Nope, we can't keep them from buying weapons in our country.

I'm furious we keep having to mourn like this!  Why the fuck can't we work together to fix this problem? 

I don't want to take your damn guns away!  That's not what anyone asked for!  All I want is more restrictions, background checks, training, etc. put in place to get the gun.  I get there is a black market.  I still think more restrictions would help at least limit the amount of school shootings that happen.     

It's scary that we have to worry when we send out kids to school.  A place to learn.  A place to help them grow. 

Please put aside politics.  Put aside your religion.  Just imagine if it happened in your hometown.  The school where your children go daily.  Would a prayer be enough to help you get past it?  What if you lost a child?  Do you really think that spouting mental health care is going to help you?

I want this to stop!  Before it's just another statistic.  Before you or I lose a child.