Monday, November 14, 2016

Electoral College or Popular Vote?

Since the pain from this election is still lingering with me...I thought I'd pose this question.

Electoral College OR Popular Vote???

Just in case someone doesn't really know what the electoral college is...  A general definition from Wikipedia: The United States Electoral College is the body that elects the president and vice president of the United States every four years. Citizens of the United States do not directly elect the president or the vice president; instead they choose "electors", who pledge beforehand to vote for the candidate who wins in their party.
Each state gets to choose as many electors as the combined total of the number of U.S. senators and representatives to which the state is entitled. The District of Columbia gets at most the number of electors it would have if it were a state but not more than the number of electors of the least-populous state (currently three). There are therefore currently 538 electors, corresponding to the 435 representatives and 100 senators in the House of Representatives and the Senate, plus the three electors for the District of Columbia. The Constitution bars any federal official, elected or appointed, from being an elector.
A little history....  The electoral college was formed in 1787!  Really!  It was formed because people didn't know about the candidates.  They didn't travel to meet them.  They didn't have access to the information to learn about them.  The members who were chosen to vote for the electoral college, then educated themselves on the candidates.'s my question.  Is this really relevant today???  My opinion is no.  

The majority of the public has access to the internet, with all it's good and bad information.  This gives them the power to research and learn about the candidates running for election.  Obviously, with that comes all the misinformation that is on the internet.  One must be diligent in choosing where their information comes from!  I like to read on the candidates personal websites.  This gives the information that tells what they stand for.  What they want to do for our country.  What they have previously done.  Then you can also check voting history for past politicians at Vote Smart.  My research turned up, that it is an unbiased site.  

Now, I'm sure you've all seen all the memes that are on social media.  Here's one for example...
And yes.... approximately 1/2 the population might live in those areas.  But what the general population isn't understanding, is that not everyone in those areas thinks or votes the same way.  I live in the grey...and more people in the US agreed with me apparently in voting for Hillary Clinton.    
There are people in the blue areas that voted for Donald Trump.  There are lots of people in the grey areas that voted for Hillary Clinton.  If people in the grey didn't vote for Hillary Clinton, she would not have won the popular vote.  
Let's use Missouri, since I live here.  According to this map....only Kansas City and St. Louis areas voted for Hillary Clinton.  I know this is incorrect, as she received 936 votes from tiny little St. Clair County.  In total, she received 1,054,889 votes in Missouri.  Donald Trump only received 1,585,753 votes in Missouri.  This map does nothing to show that 40% of our state voted for Hillary Clinton.  To me....this map shows that 95% of Missouri voted for Donald Trump, which we know is incorrect.    

To me...this isn't Civics 101.  This is real life!    You have to understand that people from all walks of life, live in all different parts of the country.  The major populated areas are not the only ones who vote.  They are not the only ones who should be heard.  

A popular vote would encourage people from everywhere to vote.  It would encourage everyone from every walk of life, to let their voices be heard.  

Your vote would count.  My vote would count.  Each and every voter would count.

Right now.... my vote essentially didn't count.  I'm a blue, in a giant sea of red.  I knew which way my state would swing.  But....if every democratic voter in the state of Missouri had opted to stay home on election day....Hillary Clinton would not have won the popular vote.   So, our votes did count.  To me, they prove why the electoral college is no longer needed, and why the people of the US should have their voice and vote heard!  

Friday, November 11, 2016

Election 2016

WOW!  Oh my god!  Did that really just happen?

Okay, so I'm obviously a Liberal.  I'm a blue.  In a giant sea of red.  You might be too...or you might not.  It doesn't make me care any less about you!

I've taken a few days to process this....and I still am shocked!  I honestly thought, she had this election in the bag!  I thought there was ZERO chance for DJT to get elected!

Then, the election happened.

I honestly have never felt so empty, so lost over something that I don't have sole control over!  I mean, I voted.  I did my part.  I knew that I was not going to change the outcome of my red state, but I still voted.  I was the majority!

Then, there is the horror of Facebook.  Every time I look at it, there is someone mocking those who are distraught.  They are telling us to get over it.  Deal with it.  WELL I DON'T WANT TO!  I am NOT a "Libtard" as they say!  I am a very well educated woman.  I do my research, I know my values.  And I vote based on that!  Truthfully, I don't vote a straight ticket even.

To those who think that we are "over reacting"...please understand.  I have watched you mock our current POTUS for the last 8 years.  You think he needs to be gone.  You think he's done nothing helpful.  I have said NOTHING to you.  I haven't told you that you need to get over it.  Or that you need to deal with it.  I tolerated your ignorant memes.  I let you have your own pity party, for EIGHT whole years!

So please, give me my time to mourn.  Give those who want to march and protest their time.  Remember that a peaceful protest is protected by our US Constitution.  We have freedom of speech.  Just like you!

In the end, we all have to hope that our President elect has the best interests of our country at heart.  That he truly wants to make things better.  I don't feel like he has to "Make America Great Again", because I feel like it's already great!  We live in the best country!  We have so many rights that are guaranteed by our Constitution.

My hopes are that he doesn't carry through with plans for mass deportations, banning Muslims, blocking abortions completely, ending all LGBT rights, and totally dismantling "Obamacare".   These things are where my fear and hurt come in.  These things will affect many people.  Hurt many people.  And we are all human beings.  We all have issues we need to deal with.  You are not to judge based on how one chooses to live their life.  If you don't agree with them, please remove yourself from their life.  But....please don't try to tell them or me how to live.

PS....Please treat your children how to act towards others!  The name calling, mocking, and straight up bullying based on political beliefs is ABSURD!  We are all free to believe what we choose! We all need to understand that there will be highs, and lows, and wins, and losses.  There will be mourning, sadness, joyfulness, and excitement for each political election.  Each child and adult will handle their emotions differently.  There is no need to instigate a reaction, name call, mock, or bully someone for their reactions.  Let them be.  We will all "get over it" in time.  We will accept that DJT is our POTUS, and we will survive.

Just know...that #imstillwithher

On a final note, a quote from Secretary Clinton's most remarkable concession speech:   And — and to all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.