Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Job Search

Who knew that finding a job would be so time consuming and frustrating...  As a teenager I applied for a job and I got it.  A simple  interview and I would be hired.  Now...I apply, and apply, and apply some more...without so much as an interview.  When I finally get that elusive interview...I never get a return call.  
This morning I was awaken to a call for an interview.  I'm excited, but hesitant.  All I can come up with are excuses:  Maybe I just won't have what it takes.  I'm probably not going to be the best fit for the job.  It's excuse after excuse now....  I need to nail this interview.  I want them to want me!!  
So...I took to the internet.  Searching for ways to "nail a job interview."  All very basic things that I already knew.  Dress conservative, maintain eye contact, take copies of your resume/cover letter, ask questions, be yourself...  It all seems so simple!!  So what am I doing wrong??  
My the job!!  Then...succeed at the job!!  I want nothing more than to be successful and provide for my family!  
Please wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed for me!!  I have a week to prep for this interview!  :)