Thursday, October 25, 2012


I am fed up with Christians who have this "holier than thou" attitude!!!  I mean...if you don't like a Presidential candidate...don't vote for them.  But for fuck's sake...quit bashing them every time you get on facebook!!!  I get that you don't like President's Obama's choice to support Planned Parenthood...but guess what, I don't like that you think the it's okay for the government to tell me that if I want/need an abortion that I can't get one!  Hell, I can't even get pregnant!  But you's a woman's right to choose!

And while I'm on the subject of your "Christian-ness"....Is being deceitful being a "good Christian"?  You chose to call Planned Parenthood to try and set up a mammogram on "schedule an imaginary mammogram day".  Sounds to me like you are not following your own words!!  When you do something that you have no intention of following through with...that is deceit!!

Now, I must say, I'm friends with a lot of Christians who are great people!  It's those people who act "holier than thou" that really make me mad!  So, if I offended you with this are probably not one of my true friends!!  :)


  1. I totally agree with you. I think religion can be a great thing...but so many people hide behind it and try to use it to justify their un-Godly actions. First and foremost, I care about whether or not you've got a good heart and good intentions. To hell with everything else.

  2. Unfortunately, so many people base their life around religion. I have to say, I know people who have no religious base...but they are just as good of a person as anyone else! To me, I don't care what you what is right, and like you said Ash...have a good heart and good intentions!
    Thanks for reading!! :)
