How often do you change your air filter at home?
Have you changed it recently?
A couple years ago, our air conditioner started making a funny noise, and we weren't sure why. My parents came to visit and noticed the noise as well.
We got to looking for the source of the problem and opened up our return air vent. 😧 O. M. G.
We pulled out the air filter and the sound immediately stopped.
It. was. disgusting. And I felt beyond stupid for not checking it. It just wasn't something we checked. I don't know why. Out of site - out of mind, maybe.
Fast forward....I'm on facebook one day and see an ad for Filter Easy. They send you an air filter on your requested schedule.
The first shipment was free. So I couldn't really go wrong!
Here it is a year and a half later.....and we still LOVE this service!!
They send me an air filter every 2 months. You get to choose the level of filter you want, and how often you want it to come.
We now change our air filter as soon as the new one arrives!
No more forgetting! No more weird sounds from the air conditioner! Whew!
But seriously, if you're interested in trying them out, use my link and get your first shipment free!