Monday, July 16, 2018

Have you changed your air filter recently?

How often do you change your air filter at home? 

Have you changed it recently?

A couple years ago, our air conditioner started making a funny noise, and we weren't sure why.  My parents came to visit and noticed the noise as well.

We got to looking for the source of the problem and opened up our return air vent.  😧 O. M. G.

We pulled out the air filter and the sound immediately stopped. 

It. was. disgusting. And I felt beyond stupid for not checking it.  It just wasn't something we checked.  I don't know why.  Out of site - out of mind, maybe.

Fast forward....I'm on facebook one day and see an ad for Filter Easy.  They send you an air filter on your requested schedule.

The first shipment was free.  So I couldn't really go wrong!

Here it is a year and a half later.....and we still LOVE this service!!

They send me an air filter every 2 months.  You get to choose the level of filter you want, and how often you want it to come.

We now change our air filter as soon as the new one arrives! 

No more forgetting!  No more weird sounds from the air conditioner!  Whew! 

But seriously, if you're interested in trying them out, use my link and get your first shipment free! 


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Gun Control #enough

Why is there such a battle over gun control??? Why is this even an issue?? 

Here's the thing.... I own guns!  I like to shoot guns.  I'm all for hunting and protecting my home and self.  I'm not asking you to give up your guns!  I'm not asking to do away with the 2nd Amendment!

Here's what I'm not for.... kids getting killed!  And especially kids getting killed at school!

Honestly, I don't think that a majority of the people want to do away with guns completely.  They just want more common sense regulations placed on the acquisition of guns.

I should not be able to go sell my gun on the street to anyone without paperwork filed with the proper authorities!  There should be a paper trail with every gun sale. 

You know why.... Because then if a gun is used in a crime, it can be specifically pinned on the owner! 

And why can't we link medical/mental health care to buying a gun?  If someone is mentally unstable, they should not own a gun!  Period!

Is there going to be a perfect  Probably not.  Everyone won't ever be happy!  But if it means my daughter won't go to school worried that she might not ever leave again, then it's better than what we have now! 

Fingerprint scanners (cell phones even have these!), insurance, more training

These are just a few ideas I have!  If people could sit down and discuss this without getting all butt hurt, then people could probably work together and come up with something!  If people would quit bowing down to the NRA and their thoughts that anyone should be able to buy a gun, then maybe they could use their own brain to think more logically! 

I understand that it's a process.  I really do.  But I also know that most people are not sensibly thinking this through!

In the United States, just since the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, 7182 children have been killed by guns!! 
Since 2001, 6915 US troops have been killed overseas in combat.

Neither are okay!  But more children have been killed in 11 less years!  Does this not bother anyone??  What if it was your child, or grandchild, or niece, or cousin?  Would you look at it a little differently?

Common sense gun reform is necessary!!  NOW!  We have to work together to protect our future!

Thursday, February 15, 2018


My heart is broken!  Those poor children and adults who had their life ripped away from them!  I can't imagine the pain their parents and grandparents feel. 

When is it going to happen here?  Yes, I said it!  When?  Will my daughter be a victim?  It's just a waiting game.... it's not what if anymore.  It's when! 

Why do I say this?  Well, because all anyone wants to do is "offer prayers" and debate the mental health issue!

I'm an atheist.  I don't believe in prayer.  You are entitled to believe as you's just not my thing.  I ask you, what are all these "prayers" actually doing???  Have they helped anyone or helped our nation find a way to end all the violence?

Then there's the debate....  UGH!  It's a mental health issue is all anyone will say.  I don't disagree that we have a mental health crisis.  But there's more to it!  Maybe by at least trying to restrict guns to mentally ill people might help some!  If you've been investigated by the FBI for possible violence or are on a watch probably shouldn't be able to just go buy a gun.  WHAT.A.CONCEPT!  Nope, we can't keep them from buying weapons in our country.

I'm furious we keep having to mourn like this!  Why the fuck can't we work together to fix this problem? 

I don't want to take your damn guns away!  That's not what anyone asked for!  All I want is more restrictions, background checks, training, etc. put in place to get the gun.  I get there is a black market.  I still think more restrictions would help at least limit the amount of school shootings that happen.     

It's scary that we have to worry when we send out kids to school.  A place to learn.  A place to help them grow. 

Please put aside politics.  Put aside your religion.  Just imagine if it happened in your hometown.  The school where your children go daily.  Would a prayer be enough to help you get past it?  What if you lost a child?  Do you really think that spouting mental health care is going to help you?

I want this to stop!  Before it's just another statistic.  Before you or I lose a child.