I'm struggling! I have been for awhile now. Even on meds, I'm still not my norm.
I'm not suicidal! Don't worry about that! I'm just off...
Lazy. Unmotivated. The struggle is real!
It doesn't help that you want to be involved in certain people's lives...and you have someone who it seems doesn't want you to have any part of it! 😞 (That's a blog for another day)
Some days it's me, just fine. Other days it's laying on the sofa and no motivation to even move.
My blog is really the only place I get super candid about me and my life. Few read it....and I feel like it's my only outlet sometimes (other than the hubs). I truly don't even care who reads it...I just don't "share" that it's there. I used to, but I honestly don't like confrontation, and I tell me here. I don't want to be judged or criticized or someone try to "convert" how I think. So today, I'm candid with how I'm feeling and how hard it is.
If you struggle with depression, I understand! I'm also an open ear! I truthfully don't know who to talk to anymore. I don't feel like any of my 'friends' get me. Family got in the way. Life happened. And I don't get to "go out" or "hang out" with people. I really just want to cry...but it makes my throat hurt, so I try to avoid it.
If you're reading... thanks for sticking it through till the end. That means a lot actually! 💙